Payday Can Be Any Day with FinFit! WageNow Coming in January 2019
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– FinFit, a FinTech company that provides over 125,000 employers with a unique financial wellness benefit platform, has announced the launch of its WageNow program in January 2019.
Employees work hard. Now they don’t have to wait until payday to collect their money. Payday can be any day with FinFit’s WageNow! FinFit will offer employees the option to have instant access to the wages they’ve earned, when they need it. With WageNow, employees will be able to access earned, unpaid wages before their scheduled payday.
With today’s technology, there is no limit to when and how employees can get paid. WageNow provides an immediate solution. FinFit eases financial stress for individuals with tools like personalized financial assessments for each employee, online education tools and credit resources, student loan assistance, game-based education and budgeting apps, and real-world financial solutions to assist those who do not have enough savings to afford an unexpected emergency.
“WageNow allows employees to control their today, tomorrow and future. They have the option to access their wages if and when they need to, without taking on additional debt. Coupled with access to FinFit’s financial education resources, budgeting tools and real-time solutions, employees will be in the position to be smarter financially. This will ultimately enable them to be more focused and productive when they’re on the clock,” says David Kilby, President of FinFit.
WageNow is available to full-time employees, regardless of their tenure or salary. This is a benefit employees are asking for – stay on the cutting edge, retain good employees and use it as a recruiting tool!
“FinFit is the only financial wellness platform on the market that offers educational resources, an early wage access solution and a short-term loan option,” says Cliff Kiel, Senior Vice President, Sales for FinFit. “This three-pronged approach is essential if you want to provide employees with the opportunity to select the solution that can best support their current financial situation and put them on the path to financial wellbeing. Having FinFit as the single-source gatekeeper helps to ensure employees carefully consider all their options prior to deciding. It’s a game changer.”
For more information on WageNow, please visit FinFit.com/WageNow.
About FinFit
Founded in 2008, FinFit has grown to be one of the nation’s largest financial wellness benefits servicing over 125,000 clients. FinFit provides a self-directed online experience that lets employees measure their financial fitness and provides fun, education resources and tools to increase their financial knowledge and drive results. FinFit helps to eliminate stress in the workplace by providing real-time solutions that offer real-world help when it is needed most. FinFit is a powerful way for employers to attract and retain talent by helping employees get focused, get healthy and become more productive.
Residents of California, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee and Vermont are not eligible for WageNow. This does not constitute an offer or solicitation for WageNow to residents of those states.