Setting the Tone for a Prosperous Year: Employee Financial Health

As we round out the year, this time can be stressful for Americans as they review their finances and aim to craft financial goals for the year ahead. Employees across the nation are embracing resolutions focused on securing their financial health and bolstering savings for a prosperous 2024. A recent report found 67% plan on making a financial resolution for the New Year, with the top goals being to save more, pay off debt, and plan for retirement. However, without the right tools and support, these resolutions often fall by the wayside, leading to increased stress and financial strain.
Setting goals during a phase of heightened motivation with the drive to make changes is an opportune moment for transformation. It’s in these moments of inspiration and determination that individuals are most inclined to envision their aspirations clearly and commit to the steps needed for change.
The odds might seem daunting, with only a mere 9% of Americans following through and completing their resolutions. There is an opportunity present for employers to support the financial goals of their employees through a comprehensive financial wellness benefit. Comprehensive in that the offerings of the benefit meet employees in the present moment of their financial wellness journey with tools and resources to help them overcome present challenges and continue down a path toward a brighter financial future – achieving and quite possibly, exceeding their New Year’s resolutions.
Start 2024 with the resolution to explore financial wellness benefits and the goal of selecting the best solution to meet your employees wherever they are at on their financial wellness journey. You’ll not only impact their overall well-being, but you’ll also foster a more resilient and motivated workforce.