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The Impact of Financial Wellness: Insights from FinFit’s Member Feedback Survey 

At FinFit, we’re dedicated to improving the financial wellbeing of employees across industries. To understand the real impact of our financial wellness solutions, we conducted a member feedback survey from September 2024 through January 2025. The results are in—and they highlight just how transformative financial wellness benefits can be. 

Key findings: 

  • 60% reduction in financial stress among employees with the highest stress levels 
  • 90% say FinFit is a valuable benefit 
  • 75% feel their employer genuinely cares about them because they provide FinFit 
  • 49% avoided delaying bill payments 

These findings underscore a powerful truth: when employees have access to financial tools, they make smarter financial decisions, reduce stress, and feel more supported by their employers. 

How FinFit supports employees  

Employees use FinFit for a variety of financial needs, from emergency expenses to paying down debt. Our survey also revealed that FinFit plays a crucial role in helping employees avoid predatory lending practices, hardship withdrawals, and financial instability. 

Beyond immediate financial relief, FinFit also fosters long-term financial resilience, with over 61% of respondents saying they’re now more focused on future goals like saving for a home or retirement. 

Why this matters to employers 

Providing financial wellness benefits isn’t just good for employees, it strengthens employer-employee relationships, improves retention, and enhances workplace productivity. 

As organizations look to build more resilient, engaged workforces, financial wellness benefits are proving to be an essential piece of the puzzle. Read the full FinFit Member Feedback Report to dive into the data and insights.