![FinFit and the CFSI Talk [Financial Wellness] Shop](https://www.finfit.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=kernel&p=image&src=%7B%22file%22%3A%22wp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F06%2Fcfsi-podcast-blog-thumb.jpg%22%2C%22thumbnail%22%3A%22%2C%22%7D&hash=dbcf754a)
FinFit and the CFSI Talk [Financial Wellness] Shop
FinFit is proud to be a member of the CFSI’s Financial Health Leaders program, supporting technology, innovation and wellbeing in the financial wellness space. David Kilby, president of FinFit, sat down with the CFSI team to talk trends, affecting change, helping to solve financial challenges – and having fun while doing it!
Check out the podcast interview.