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Stress – Going beyond the symptom to treat the cause

Do you remember that moment when you had to ask that person to the high school prom, or even just for a date? You were 15 and your heart was thumping through your chest. You thought you were going to faint, but yet you had to muster up the courage in order to accomplish your heart’s desire. Now imagine feeling that type of stress every single day. This daily stress, however, is much more challenging. It’s not about a date, but your ability to survive and live a life of comfort and...

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The Emergence of the Culturally Conscious Employer

The cultural shift in employer attitudes towards employees Used to be, in the ‘bad old days,’ that employers controlled their employees. Workers lived in company housing, shopped in the company store, and their children attended the company school – where they were trained to work for the company at a young age. The cycle created social and labor abuses. Many workers suffered, and many employers got rich. But eventually, times changed, and the culture shifted the opposite way. Employers took...

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Virginia Beach-based FinFit’s financial wellness is catching on

David Kilby wants to leave his competitors in the dust. And he believes he’s already doing a good job of it. David Kilby, president of FinFit in Virginia Beach, says his company grew due to the high and growing demand for financial wellness. The president of Virginia Beach-based Finfit, an online platform that provides financial wellness resources and services to employees, started the company in 2008 and had 17 clients at the end of that first year. That was the extent of all the...

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New Survey Shows 70% Increase in Employee Savings Thanks to FinFit Financial Wellness Benefit

FinFit, a leader in providing voluntary financial fitness benefits, announced today the results of their annual Employee Financial Wellness survey. “From the companies surveyed, we saw an 85% increase in mid-to-large businesses actively offering financial wellness,”* said Jennifer Creech, SVP of Strategic Partnerships. “This shows how important financial wellness is to today’s workers, and our new survey clearly demonstrates its positive impact on both employees and the companies they work...

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