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Are Your Employees Leaving You? It’s Not Them. It’s You.

With the unemployment rate at a historically low 3.7%, competition to recruit new talent is fierce. However, one important consideration as you work to fill new positions is the increasing rate of employee turnover. While you are focused on filling new positions at your company, so are other organizations – and they’re busy recruiting the experienced talent working for you! One way to retain employees is showing commitment toward improving their wellness – particularly, financial...

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10 Tips to Help Make the Most of Your Holiday Season

Are you ready for the holiday season? ENJOY it this year by doing a little planning to make it easier to manage your budget. Create a budget for all gifts by family member/friend and dollar amount…AND stick to it! Add a 20% buffer because you and I are growing wiser (older) and we forget to account for some of our friends and family. Take advantage of online shopping so you’re not tempted by miscellaneous purchases or other expenses that are associated with physical shopping trips like...

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Americans are tired of financial stress and are turning to employers for help

While the current economy is healthy and the unemployment rate is at its lowest since 1969, Americans are struggling with financial stress. Many are still trying to recover from the Great Recession of 2008. The end of 2017 saw credit card debt at an all time high of over $1 trillion. 40% of adults in U.S. households have indicated they are unable to pay for a $400 unexpected expense1 and over 20% are not able to pay all of their current month’s bills in full. On top of these worries, many...

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Fix a little work stress with ping pong or fix a lot of employee stress with a Financial Wellness Program

​71% of Americans are stressed by money. Take a look around your organization at your employees. Many of the signs of stress are there for you to see: Reduced work efficiency or productivity Forgetfulness, disorganization, confusion Difficulty making decisions Reduced punctuality Financial stress takes a direct toll on businesses, costing them about $250 billion in lost wages1, in part, because employees who are struggling financially may spend two to three hours per week dealing with...

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Hey, I’m here. So, I must be working. Right?

Well, maybe not. We’re all familiar with absenteeism. “Bob is out sick today.” He’s not here, so don’t expect any production from him. Management understands that unless the other workers pick up Bob’s production, output will be down today by one Bob. But what about presenteeism? Bob’s here at work – see, that’s him over there – but, is he actually being productive right now, or is he really trying to figure out how to pay for a new transmission for his car? Absenteeism is usually regarded as...

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Everyone Needs a Little Motivation to Get on Track

Many of today’s employees begin their adult lives without essential financial knowledge. They don’t know the basics of balancing a checking account, or how to use credit responsibly. Nor do they know how to save, budget, buy a home or plan for the future. Schools will teach students about history, but not money. In fact, according to the 2017 Financial Report Card1 from Champlain College’s Center for Financial Literacy, only 5 states earned an A on the ability of their financial literacy...

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Providing Credit to your Employees is Good for You and Them

Why? In my 10 years as a CPA and 20 years in the consumer financial industry, I have experienced countless scenarios of challenging situations. Here is the formula that has worked in almost every one of them: solve today’s challenges before focusing on tomorrow’s. Depending on the source, you will find general agreement in the marketplace that some 76-78% of our mid-market, fully-employed American workforce is living paycheck to paycheck. To add to that disturbing challenge, we all know that...

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The Productivity Worksheet

The ROI on employee financial wellness programs is three to one The return on investment for employee financial wellness programs, says the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and others, has been estimated at 3:1. Every $1 invested in financial wellness benefits returns $3 in cost savings and productivity increases. It all makes sense. If three-quarters of working Americans don’t have $1,000 available for an emergency and they spend eight or more hours a day working, they are going to spend...

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Stress – Going beyond the symptom to treat the cause

Do you remember that moment when you had to ask that person to the high school prom, or even just for a date? You were 15 and your heart was thumping through your chest. You thought you were going to faint, but yet you had to muster up the courage in order to accomplish your heart’s desire. Now imagine feeling that type of stress every single day. This daily stress, however, is much more challenging. It’s not about a date, but your ability to survive and live a life of comfort and...

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The Emergence of the Culturally Conscious Employer

The cultural shift in employer attitudes towards employees Used to be, in the ‘bad old days,’ that employers controlled their employees. Workers lived in company housing, shopped in the company store, and their children attended the company school – where they were trained to work for the company at a young age. The cycle created social and labor abuses. Many workers suffered, and many employers got rich. But eventually, times changed, and the culture shifted the opposite way. Employers took...

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